Nails of the week: Spotty blue and yellow

blue and yellow spotty nails - somanylovelythings

It had been a while since I had a spotty manicure on. I’ve been meaning to do one for ages, and this week I finally got round to it!

I went for a pastel colours version: blue and yellow. This blue, Oxford from Nails Inc, has been a favourite for a very long time. The yellow came in the same set, and is called Wimbledon.

blue and yellow spotty nails - somanylovelythings

I used my one of my dotting tools to get the dots close to perfect (they never are!). Overall, a very easy mani to do, and very cute.

The polishes apply ok. As they are a bit on the old side, they stained a bit. I used two coats of the blue and three of the yellow.

blue and yellow spotty nails - somanylovelythings

Extra shine was given with the Seche Vite topcoat and durability is always fantastic with Nails Inc polishes!



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