Primed and prepped: a guide to primers

which_primer - 2 of 6 (1)Many a times I went on about how primers changed my life and how important they are in the makeup routine. I will give you a brief round-up not to bore you.

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Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimiser

the body shop tea tree pore minimiser review - somanylovelythingsPrimer: probably my biggest makeup discovery. It really makes a world of difference and I am always up for trying new ones – this time, I tested The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimiser.

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Product review: JN Beauty Camera Ready Face Primer

JN Beauty Camera Ready FAce Primer

Throughout the years, I have been creating a makeup routine for myself. From only slapping some (wrong colour, btw) powder in the late 90’s to my 5-step face base makeup today, lots of product came and went.

The primer, however, has been one that never left since its addition around five years ago. I could go on for hours on why you should wear a primer, but I will save it.

The JN Beauty Camera Ready Face Primer provides a good base for makeup. It is a transparent gel like product which applies really well, leaving the skin velvety to touch after application.

It really helps foundation glide better and have a smoother finish – it helps prevent the makeup falling into enlarged pores, fine lines, dry patches – and in my case, in the scars (that is why a good primer is very important for me, especially!).

Packaging is actually of high quality and very effective  – metal and glass which are sturdy and have a lovely weight to it, even though I don’t think it looks that way, for some reason, you can only feel the quality when you touch it.

In terms of durability, this one proved to have a similar holding power as some of the ones I have been using lately: Beautiful Movements Mixing medium and Lancôme LA Base, which have a very similar colour, consistency and feeling on the skin to this one. Thumbs up!

You can get the Camera Ready Face Primer from the JN Beauty website – it costs £25.

This post contains PR samples. This review, however, is based on my own true experience with the products and reflects my honest opinion on them.