That monthly thing

pink-parcel-review - 2Girls don’t really talk about our periods a lot. Not that it is the kind of thing that comes up in conversation all the time, but many tend to avoid any mention.

Truth is, it is (almost) always there. There is the discomfort, the PMS, the tenderness, the bloating, swelling, cramps… some have it much worst than others, but for most of us, it just doesn’t go unnoticed.

I am quite sensitive in my privates (sorry, over sharing), so I always keep an eye on it; I get irritation, thrush and UTI quite often if I don’t look after myself properly; that include trying to control the stresses of daily life, which do not help the cause.

That’s why I welcomed the Pink Parcel this month, my first since coming off the pill for a very long time. I was expecting it to be a nightmare, which it wasn’t, but this monthly useful treat really made it a bit better.

The Pink Parcel comes with all your tampon and pads needs – when signing up, you can pick your brand so you stick with what you like, and you can mix pads and tampons, to suit your taste. They send you enough for a normal 3-4 period so you don’t have to worry.

They have three shipping dates in the month, so you can pick the one closer to your time. Personally, I think getting it 3-5 days before my period is the best, so I can reach out for treats during the dreaded PMS.

The box comes split in neat (I love that) “sections” if you wish; “for now”, a fabric pouch, comes with pads and tampons for every day, to go in the handbag; “for later”, more pads and tampons to keep and replenish that handy little bag, “for down there”, some soothing and/or cleansing product (mine came with one of my faves Femfresh wipes) and “for you” comes packed with treats.

pink-parcel-review - 10I was very impressed with the amount of pads and tampons, as well as the “for you” treat box: something sweet, but not too much, some relaxing items, like the Badger Sleep Balm and tea plus beauty treats including favourite brands like Simple and lottie London, and some new to discover, like True Brit nail polish.

Every month, you can count on the box to come with tampons (your selected brand and something new to try), pads, tea, something sweet and beauty products.

Beauty boxes for me are not that appealing, but this is actually useful as  it comes in the right time, giving me exactly what I need!

You can subscribe to your Pink Parcel via their website, the first one costs only £6.99 including P&P, and the following one, £10.50, P&P also included!


This post contains PR samples. This review, however, is based on my experience with the product and reflects my honest opinion on them.


Friday Fixation: Christmas in July

XmasYes. You heard it. I did say Christmas. In July. Honestly, with all companies having the Christmas press events over July, there is no way I cannot obsess about it.

There are so many lovely things (see what I did there?!) coming up from amazing brands, I just cannot wait.

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Dani’s Little Book of Fashion: Festival ready

festival fashion - somanylovelythingsAs summer approaches (really slowly it seems), so do all the various festivals – from Glasto to local, more intimate affairs, the UK has festivals for all tastes.

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Review: lottie London Lacquer Twist Pot nail polish remover

lottie_london Many a times I expressed my love (yay, prett, sparkly!) and hate (aaargh, can’t take it off!) relationship with glitter nail polish and new kid on the beauty block lottie London is offering us a helping hand when dealing with that..

The lottie London Lacquer Twist Pot nail polish remover is a godsend especially to tackle stubborn glitter polish, but also super handy for effortless nail polish removal.

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Nails of the week: black with gold dots

black nails with gold dots - somanylovelythings

As you probably know by now, I love a bit of nail art that is not too out there. I like it discreet, elegant and a bit more mature, as I am not that young anymore.

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Review: lottie London Powder Power and Conceal It makeup brushes


The tools are as important than the materials themselves, I always say.

New brand lottie London comes in to help make that task not only effective, but fun with their colourful makeup brushes – and I tried the Powder Power and Conceal It brushes.

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